We hope you’ve had a great time finding the Best Replacement Lenses for your glasses, and we’re excited to give you some important information about how to replace them. It can be difficult to find replacement lenses that are right for your glasses, so it’s important to have the knowledge of what is needed before getting started. Here are 10 steps that will help you get ready for replacing your lenses!
One: Find out if the frames have removable components or not – this will depend on whether they are clip-on or screw-in type frames.
Two: Measure both sides of each lens with a ruler – these measurements should include width, height, and thickness.
Three: Purchase new lenses that are made for your specific brand of glasses – this is important to ensure that the lenses fit into the frame.
Four: Know how thick you want your new lenses to be – they come in different thicknesses and it’s up to you which one will work best for what you’re looking for.
Five: Use rubbing alcohol (with a cotton ball) on both sides of each lens before inserting them back into their frames – make sure all dirt or smudges are removed from the surface. Best Replacement Lenses can provide assistance with measuring, fitting, and replacing broken/cracked prescription eyeglass lenses!
Six: After cleaning off any grime and dust particles around where the screws were located, those same screwdrivers as before can be used to reattach the lenses to your glasses. These lenses can provide assistance with measuring, fitting, and replacing broken/cracked prescription eyeglass lenses!
Seven: You’ll need a special lens cleaner solution if you want to get rid of any smudges or marks that are left on your new lenses – These lenses makes it easy for customers by providing an inexpensive microfiber cloth in their order packaging that is perfect for cleaning off these stubborn marks.
Eight: If you’re still having trouble getting all the dirt particles out from underneath the edges of your new glass lenses, try using some alcohol-free contact lens solutions in conjunction with either another cotton ball or Q-tip (you don’t want to scratch your lenses!).
Nine: If you’re working with the lenses, there are a few steps that need to be taken in order for the replacement process on your eyeglass lenses to go smoothly. First, clean all dirt and dust off of the front surface of both sides of your glasses. Second, make sure they are completely dry before doing anything else – It will recommend using compressed air or canned air if necessary!
Ten: Once everything is cleaned up and you have the lenses ‘ new glass lenses ready to install onto the frame part of the glasses, try not touching any side except for one corner at first so as not to smudge the lenses before you are ready. Then, line up the lenses ‘ new glass lenses with your original eyeglass lens and gently lower the lenses onto it – being sure not to push too hard or bump anything!
We hope this information on the Best Replacement Lenses was helpful.