The process of acquiring and owning a cell tower can be a challenging and risky one, especially if you don’t have the understanding of the regulations involved. Nonetheless, with the right market comprehension, cell tower acquisition offers hefty benefits to you as a property owner. One important requirement to realize the immense gains is to build a strong business relationship with the relevant carriers. To understand and meet the needs of the carriers is integral in procuring a cell tower. As a property owner, the following 5 tips will help you get a wireless tower on your land and make money with cell tower leases.
1. Promote your Property
It’s necessary to have signs that are visible on your property. You can put symbols on the fence or gate that indicates that you have land that is available for a cell tower establishment. You can indicate contact details such as your daytime phone number, in case potential wireless agents want to contact you.
2. Conduct a Local Assessment
It’s important to investigate if there are cell towers to be built around your local area. You can attend the various workshops about cell towers and get to speak to the agents of the wireless companies. This helps to boost your chances of having a cell tower on your property.
3. Wait Patiently as you Stay In Touch
Cell tower acquisition is a lengthy process. It may take several years before the cell tower company responds to your proposition. It’s wise to keep contacting the carriers at least on a bi-annual basis. This helps you get updated on the developments pertaining to your business proposition.
4. Maintain Diligence
You shouldn’t give up if it takes time for your property to be noticed by the carriers. Diligence is integral in the procuring process, and this means that you have to step up your promotion campaign. Setting up the signs on the property is good but you have to maintain their visibility and relevance for longer until your cell tower proposition is accepted.
5. Learn About Cell Towers
It does not make sense to have a cell tower on your property and you don’t understand anything about the wireless component. For you to appear relevant during the proposition stage, you should have the necessary information pertaining to the cell tower.
Understanding how to go about the process of cell tower installation and acquisition is important in having the cell tower on your property. With the right information, you get your land listed as among the best to anchor the cell tower.