A Guide To Taking Raw Wheatgrass For Maximum Health Benefits

Raw wheatgrass is a natural body cleanser. It’s rich in vitamins such as Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E that are natural detoxifiers. In addition, the herb promotes weight loss, metabolism, healthy glucose levels, normal blood pressure, and cravings. However, these health benefits are only realized when you take the herb within the recommended doses. Many people think that if they take an overdose, they can enjoy double the health benefits. This is not right as it can result in nausea and other adverse reactions.

The other mistake that people make is mixing raw wheatgrass with food. You are supposed to take wheatgrass on an empty stomach to encourage maximum absorption. This also helps to avoid stomach upsets. Since wheatgrass takes time to digest, you should wait for an hour or so before you take your meal. Such practices will guarantee you the best results following intake.

The Intake Guide

The intake of raw wheatgrass primarily depends on your health reasons for doing it. If you are taking the natural herb just to detoxify your body or as a nutritional supplement to help you maintain your health, you should take a single dose a day. A single dose is prepared when you add raw wheatgrass powder (3g) to 250 ml of lukewarm water. This followed by stirring for a few seconds. Don’t be alarmed if the wheatgrass powder doesn’t dissolve completely in water. The undissolved part (which is around 60 micron sized fiber) is very important in treating various conditions such as diabetes, constipation, hypertension, and heart problems among others.

The 3g wheatgrass powder is tantamount to 1 tsp. This dose should be taken early in the morning for as long as you wish.

If you are taking raw wheatgrass for medical reasons, maybe to manage constipation or cravings, you can consume up to 4 doses (14g of powder) a day in the course of 90 days. However, it has to be a gradual process. During the first week, you should take 1 dose of raw wheatgrass juice, then two doses in the second week (in the morning and evening). In the third week, you can take 3 doses and from 4 weeks to the end of the 90-day cycle, you can take 4 doses.

By and large, you don’t have to overdose wheatgrass shots or raw wheatgrass powder to achieve maximum health benefits. Besides, one dose is enough if you are not under a prescription. Using the above guide of preparation, you should be able to take the natural herb the right way for utmost gain.

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