According to Dr. W. Kenneth Riland, who was the personal physician of President Richard Nixon, the 37th US President, acupuncture is one of the greatest contributions that any group of people has ever made to the future of medicine. President Nixon brought acupuncture to America after making a trip to China. Since then, acupuncture has become a mainstream medical practice not just in the US but also in Australia.
Acupuncture in Australia
The Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association (AACMA) is the leading medical association of qualified acupuncture practitioners in Australia. Since 1973, this association has maintained high professional and ethical standards in acupuncture practice. You can count on an acupuncture practitioner who is a member of AACMA.
Acupuncture is not new in Australia. It has existed since the 1880s. Since the 1900s, the Australian acupuncture industry has experienced rapid growth. Presently, it is a billion-dollar industry.
Acupuncture Works
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), acupuncture is an effective form of treatment. Hundreds of clinical studies back the benefits of acupuncture. These studies show that it effectively treats a wide range of musculoskeletal problems including neck and back pain. Acupuncture also treats infertility, insomnia, depression, anxiety, migraine headache, and nausea.
Acupuncture works. The leading scholars of Ivy League institutions in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom have proved that. There are many acupuncture success stories. Some of them are available online. Most likely, you might have a friend or family member who underwent acupuncture in the past and obtained amazing results.
Alternative Medicine
Chinese acupuncture Footscray is a type of alternative medicine. Mainstream medicine does not have all the answers. At times, alternative medicine is more effective than conventional medicine in treating particular diseases.
Acupuncture is particularly helpful in pain relief and treating mental conditions such as depression. There is no conflict between alternative and mainstream medicine. Actually, the two complement each other.
Many Australian doctors usually recommend their patients to seek acupuncture treatment after the failure of mainstream medicine. Before you undergo acupuncture treatment, you should consult your doctor.
You Can Undergo Acupuncture Even if You Are on Medication
Chinese acupuncture Footscray will not interfere with pharmaceutical drugs you are using. You can still use medication even if you are on acupuncture. The two involves different modes of administration. However, it is always good to seek the opinion of a medical practitioner.
The Bottom-Line:
The Only Needles You Ever Need
Be afraid of needles unless they are acupuncture needles. Acupuncture is proof that stabbing someone can actually make things better. The body has acupuncture points. Insertion of needles at these points will lead to a wide range of health benefits.