ADD Vs ADHD: What’s The Difference?

ADHD and ADD are two conditions that can often be confused with one another, but they’re quite different. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by an inability to focus on tasks at hand. Adhd sufferers struggle to stay on task, follow instructions or goals for more than a few minutes, or resist distractions. This article will discuss the major differences between add vs ADHD so you can better understand how each condition affects individuals and their families!

1) What are ADD and ADHD?

ADD and ADHD are both considered neurodevelopmental disorders. The add vs ADHD distinction comes from the root of their symptoms: in add, there’s a direct conflict between an individual’s attention and what they’re asked to focus on; whereas, with add, it is the brain itself that has trouble focusing.

When someone speaks about add vs ADHD, we’re usually talking about Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) versus Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While these two conditions share many similar symptoms including restlessness or impulsivity, they also have some key differences.

Here are some facts you should know!

Symptoms ADD Symptoms – Inattentiveness – Difficulty completing tasks – Forget/poor memory – Distract ibility – Disorganization ADHD Symptoms – Impulsivity/hyperactivity – Restlessness and fidgeting
Differences add vs ADHD. ADD is more likely to be found in children, while add is typically diagnosed during adulthood. add affects both genders equally; add, however, is four times as common among boys than girls. With add, there’s a direct conflict between an individual’s attention and what they’re asked to focus on; whereas, with add, it is the brain itself that has trouble focusing.

2) How can ADD and ADHD be treated?

Both ADD and ADHD are often treated with prescription drugs, but a holistic approach is also becoming more popular. ADD can be regulated by taking a stimulant medication that helps the patient focus better on tasks at hand. Hyperactivity may be reduced through calming medications or behavior therapies.
We hope this information has been useful to you.

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