An IPhone Trade In Saves You Money

Most people upgrade their phone every two years. Some might do this sooner if the old one breaks or gets stolen. Others might do it later if the current phone is serving them well. A few will be at the extremes, either shopping for the latest every few months or holding on until their phones fall off. Wherever you lie in this spectrum, there is no denying that acquiring a new unit will require a significant amount of money. Budget phones under $200 are plenty but they leave much to be desired. The mid-range models offer excellent balance between cost and performance. Flagship models, on the other hand, feature cutting-edge innovations at premium prices. iPhones generally belong to the last category so it can be difficult to find the money for them.

What is a trade-in?

If you already have an old iPhone, then it can be easier to procure a new one. A lot of shops will accept iPhone trade-in since these models have good resale value. You can go to an official Apple store or a third-party store that sells the units. Ask them if they have a trade-in program and check the current list of compensation. You should get more if you have a newer model. Note that some of the models are considered too old and will no longer be accepted into the program. They may qualify for the recycling program, however, so that is still an option. It is also possible to sell the unit directly to online buyers through bidding sites and similar platforms.

Why should you trade in?

Since the full price of flagship models often exceed $1,000, lots of people are not able to afford them right away. They might resort to credit card loans just to be able to get the unit right away. This habit of depending on plastic can be detrimental over time. Others may scrimp and save for a while before being able to come up with the money. By the time they are able to afford the model, another one with better features might already be on the market. Trade-ins allow people to squeeze money out of their current handset so they can dispose of it quickly while having the funds to purchase the new one in their sights. There is no more waiting, borrowing, and saving.

An iPhone trade in just makes a lot of financial sense.

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