Before your new radio station goes on air, you will have to purchase a lot of equipment. However, before you make a purchase, it’s pertinent to make decisions on what radio studio equipment is needed, and know how to choose the right ones for your intended purpose.
All studios need microphones. Studio owners need to purchase four microphones—one for each host and two for studio guests. If there are many guests, they could share. It is important to limit the number of microphones used at the same time to avoid background noise. Make sure you choose a microphone that sounds good, easy to use, and performs well when used constantly.
Mixers and consoles
A mixer takes input from several sources, and allows the DJ/host to choose which channels to output the audio. A console serves the same purpose, but has additional features that are only used for radio. Mixers and consoles are important in all stations that broadcast using several audio sources. When purchasing a mixer, pick one that can accommodate multiple audio sources, and has level meters that are easy to use. Also look out for monitor muting, a feature that automatically mutes speakers when a microphone is on.
FM tuner
All studios should have an FM tuner so that the hosts can listen to the signals being sent on the airwaves. The host should be able to switch between the console signal and on-air signal to ensure broadcasting is clear. They should also tune the receiver to your radio’s broadcast frequency.
Monitor speaker
Monitor speakers allow the DJ to listen to the sounds they are playing. The speakers can be internally amplified or you might need an external amp to power them. Choose a monitor speaker that has a ‘flat’ response so that sounds coming from them sound like the audio put in.
Everyone using a microphone should put on headphones. This allows the host or DJ to monitor the sound levels as they are speaking. You should have headphones for each microphone in the studio. Since headphones wear out faster, it’s important to consider durability when purchasing headphone sets. You should also keep some headphones in reserve.
Everyone likes to spend as little money as possible. However, when it comes to purchasing radio studio equipment for sale, cutting corners might come back to bite you. You can’t leave out many equipment, and you simply have to purchase the best to avoid replacing them regularly. Make sure core equipment like microphones and consoles are good quality as they are used 24 hours every day. You will save a lot- in the long run.