Basic Puppy Training Classes

If you’re looking for basic puppy training classes, consider these tips: Class size, cost, and lessons learned.

Lessons learned

One of the lessons learned during basic puppy training is to use rewards to encourage your dog to perform the desired action. For instance, when your puppy sits, you can use food to encourage it to follow you or come to you. Rewarding your dog for good behavior will ensure that they learn to expect treats when they perform the task. If you have trouble motivating your puppy to perform an action, use praise and a pat on the head.

After the puppy responds to a command, use a secondary reinforcer like a treat or praise. Reward the behavior with praise or pats. In addition to food, use a leash when taking your puppy on walks. The puppy’s body language will change when it recognizes its leash or a treat. Once it understands this, it will be more likely to perform the task. This will also help reinforce the training process.

Techniques used

While traditional coercion techniques involved waiting for a mistake to happen and punishing with a leash jerk, newer methods encourage puppies to perform tasks on their own instead of focusing on punishment.

Remember to vary the frequency when using praise, patting, food, and hand signal techniques. Eventually, you’ll want your puppy to associate a particular response with the appropriate praise and food rewards. A good rule of thumb is to use your hands as a reward and give praise and food only after the puppy has performed a certain action. This method has a higher success rate than any other form of training. And it’s effective – and fun!

Class size

If you’re interested in learning how to properly train your new puppy, consider taking a class. A basic puppy training class is an excellent way to get your dog started on the path to a more responsible life.

A good class will teach your puppy to make gradual, calm introductions to new things. You will also learn how to use various dog training tools and walk with the leash in a manner that will not scare your dog. It will also introduce your puppy to various surface textures, obstacles, and puzzle toys. These experiences will help your puppy develop positive associations with these items and behaviors.


Depending on the size of your dog, the cost of training a single puppy can range from about $50 to $100. You can save up to 70 percent on your puppy’s training by shopping around and avoiding expensive classes.

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