Going for regular myotherapy and remedial massage can do wonders for your body. But are you aware of all the positive things you can benefit from it? A massage session not only relieves stress from your muscles, but it also promotes productivity, energy, and happiness in you.
Our daily lives have become busier and more demanding, therefore, taking more and more from our bodies. With all the activities, it is easy to sometimes neglect or even take for granted our health and well being. The sad thing is some people realize it all when it’s too late. But there’s something you can do to manage it. With regular remedial massage and myotherapy Docklands you’ll be able to get your body back on track and feeling good. Here are some of the benefits of this therapy.
Correcting Posture
Myotherapy can help in correcting issues resulting from incorrect body alignment and posture. These are issues that usually cause dysfunction and pain and can impair a person if left untreated. When you visit a therapist in Docklands, he or she will diagnose your condition and recommend myotherapy Docklands and remedial massage treatments that are tailored to your needs in order to relieve your pain and rejuvenate your problem areas. These problem areas include the lower back which is usually affected by prolonged sitting, and the neck and shoulders whose pains and discomforts are as a result of lengthy computer use or sitting in the wrong position. Myotherapy helps in stretching the muscles in these areas and balancing out the body for improved postural alignment.
Reduce Muscular Pain and Stiffness
Myotherapy, Dry Needling, and other massage therapy techniques when employed together can help in releasing and deactivating tight muscular trigger points in the body. These trigger points are associated with dull muscular pain and general muscle stiffness that cause a lot of discomfort to the affected person. Your myotherapist will prescribe to you specific stretches that will help lengthen muscles that are stiff and restore them to their original state.
Stress Relief
We cannot underestimate the effectiveness of massage and myotherapy in relieving stress and anxiety and uplifting the general feeling of well-being. Several studies have been conducted that prove the effectiveness of this therapy in lowering/managing the levels of stress inducing hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, and increasing the levels of serotonin and dopamine, which are our feel-good hormones. Findings from these studies clearly indicate that myotherapy and remedial massage can help reduce both emotional and physical stress in a person.