As a business owner o marketer, perhaps you already know the critical role played by advertising in creating the necessary impetus among customers. While marketing and product promotion campaigns are a common matrix for every business, not every business is capable of accounting for every single coin it spends on various marketing campaigns. To be able to do know the effectiveness of different strategies you adopt, it is incredibly important to track your website and your calls. Phone call tracking and monitoring gives a business important insights into which campaign effort should be strengthened most.
This blog highlights some important benefits of call tracking and how businesses can use it o increase returns on their investments.
What Call Tracking is and How Organizations Can Leverage it to Boost ROI?
When correctly executed, call tracking for advertising can have a dramatic impact on returns on marketing investments in a number of ways.
Ability to Track Actual Returns on Investment
No business can stand to see its resources go down the drain, and marketing being one of the areas where a sizeable portion of the resources are channeled, it is becoming increasingly important to know which marketing channels are performing or contributing to the overall bottom line. whether you are using Pay Per Click, SEO, Email marketing or traditional marketing, it is now clear that each of them should be approach with a hindsight of call tracking.
Where you get phone calls of which a good fraction of them converts into sales, it becomes even more motivating to invest more in such areas to reap even more. The biggest question every marketer wants to ask is “Does the channel or investment stand to help wreck in additional benefits?” A forward-looking marketer would begin to assess the channels and isolate the best based on the ROI and zero in on promoting its products through the most beneficial channel.
Second question: how will you know which marketing channel has the highest ROI if you don’t know which phone calls came from each channel? As they say numbers never lie–it is easier to measure the effectiveness of a strategy by looking at the numbers and phone call tracking is just what can help you make such meaningful deductions.
You Eliminate Waste and Expenditure
Call tracking and data analytics can go a long way in helping you make viable decisions on which marketing channels to reinforce while at the same time helping you reduce waste of resources that never bring in returns.
Recover the Leads You May Have Lost
Once you have identified which ones of your phone calls are the best leads, the next step would be finding out which ones converted into sales. A phone call lead that didn’t convert should be interrogated to determine the reasons behind the same. This would go a long way in helping the business take remedial actions and steps to boost the bottom line.
Having discussed the benefits that can accrue to a business that adopts call tracking for advertising, it is now easier to zero in and deploy the right strategies that can help close in as many leads as possible.