Take into consideration that around 85% of leisure travelers from all over the world use the internet as their main source of planning their travels and the average traveller visits approximately 22 travel-related sites before making their booking. If a travel website offers a more enticing sample of what it’s like to be in a certain place, then it stands to reason that it will attract more clients. This is where the Benefits of Using Virtual Tour Photography for Tourism Bebsites comes in.
Obviously virtual tours won’t completely take over real-life visits at any time in the near future, but if part of an attraction’s appeal is the experience of “being there,” then a virtual tour is the best way to get this experience across to the consumer.
A virtual tour is a great way to market a place and an experience
There are those who feel that a virtual tour is too good and that viewers might enjoy it so much, that they no longer feel the need to visit a place in person. However, virtual tours can and normally are designed in such a way that it only gives the viewer a small taste of what to expect, so as to whet their appetite to experience more of the same thing. A virtual tour will only heighten interest and increase traffic for the right attraction.
How does one market a place and an experience?
Studies have shown that virtual tours on websites do a lot to increase sales significantly for many companies. Hotels, for instance, provide virtual tours on their websites so that potential clients can actually see what the hotel has to offer. Most hotels that take this approach have seen an average of 16% increase in bookings.
It can really be the most cost-effective marketing investment for any business.
The thing is, more and more people are starting to rely on the internet. Yes, they might be attracted by newspapers and radio or television advertisements, but there is a significant increase in the number of consumers who are using the internet to find information that will help them to make decisions when it comes to spending. Businesses are now using this trend to their advantage.
The thing that draws the majority of people to use the internet is interactivity, the web’s most powerful feature and the virtual tour itself, is an incredibly interactive tool. In reality, when special features are added, interactivity on the internet is increased considerably.
This of course, means that the virtual tour can become an incredibly powerful selling medium for any application where space, place, experience of context is involved.