Best Sources For Ethereum News

If you’re new to the cryptocurrency scene, then here is what you need to know: Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud, or third party interface. These apps run on a custom-built blockchain, an enormously powerful shared global infrastructure that can move value around and represent property ownership. This enables developers to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, and move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past, like a futures contract.

The Ethereum platform has been forked into two versions: “Ethereum Classic” and “Ethereum.” We won’t go over how these two differ because it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to buy ETC anytime soon. However, it’s important to be aware that Ethereum is also being used as a platform for ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings). The consequent rise of smart contracts has made it immensely popular with investors due to its high ROI potential.

Ethereum News can be found on many cryptocurrency-related websites, including Cointelegraph, Blockchain News, ETH News, and CryptoCoinsNews. Reddit also has several forums dedicated to Ethereum news where you’ll find breaking updates from all over the globe regarding decentralized apps built on top of this platform. Be sure to check out Coindesk, too, as they offer daily articles covering everything from the latest price fluctuations in the market through innovative concepts surrounding the blockchain. Many investors also use Twitter to gather up-to-date news about Ethereum, its applications, and the cryptocurrency markets in general. Just follow some influential business leaders, economists, and entrepreneurs who regularly discuss the latest trends in the blockchain industry.

Another valuable source of information is Etherscan which offers real-time updates on all transactions taking place on this network. In addition, you can track yourself if you have an Ethereum client installed locally on your computer or at Etherchain, which shows live charts depicting price action for ETC against BTC over 30 days. Coinmarketcap is another essential website offering valuable up-to-date stats about ETHERLive delivers real-time financial data feeds with 20+ exchanges provided by Bitfinex, Kraken & Coinbase.

In conclusion, there are several reliable websites that you should consider bookmarking to always stay up-to-date with Ethereum news. If you’re looking for the latest updates regarding ICOs, keep an eye on ICOalert, CoinSchedule & ICODrops because there are some incredibly promising projects that have been launched recently. Stay safe out there!

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