Human Growth Hormone (or HGH) is produced in your pituitary gland. As implied by its name, it is responsible for promoting linear growth in small children and young adolescents. Long after you have stopped growing, HGH still plays an important role, especially in helping you stay young.
HGH has effects not just on growth but on your body composition as well. It also plays a vital role in body metabolism. Unfortunately, this crucial hormone starts to decline at around age 30; in fact, past 30 years, it decreases every year by 2%. When your body lacks enough amounts of growth hormone, you could begin experiencing sagging skin, an increase in belly fat, and a decrease in your general muscle mass among other effects.
Remedies for Low HGH
The best HGH supplement or booster should assist you maintain optimal levels of the hormone as you grow old. The good news is: today, there are several safe alternatives that can help you naturally boost your levels of HGH—without using supplements or getting injections from your doctor.
Get Enough Sleep
HGH is released in pulses, and not in one continuous flow. Major “pulses” tend to happen when you are in deep sleep. The reason behind this action is because Human Growth Hormone plays a key role in restoring and repairing the body, which often occurs when you are in a deep slumber.
Reducing Sugar Intake
Sugar and refined carbs raise your insulin levels the most. Therefore, cutting down your intake may go a long way in optimizing the levels of the growth hormone. Besides directly affecting levels of insulin, excessive intake of sugar is a key factor when it comes to gaining weight and obesity, which in turn also affect the levels of HGH.
Losing Body Fat
Persons with more belly fat or higher body fat levels will most likely have their production of HGH impaired; they are, therefore, at an increased risk of getting diseases. Belly fat ranks among the most dangerous classes of stored fat, linked to lots of diseases. Losing belly fat helps in optimizing levels of HGH, and also boosts your health.
igh Intensity Exercise
Exercise is among the most effective routes towards significantly raising your levels of HGH. The increase in levels of HGH will be largely determined by the type of exercise, the intensity, the type food taken around the workout sessions as well as the person exercising. High-intensity exercise, by virtue of its metabolic nature and the resultant increases in lactic acid, generally increases your HGH the most.
You can choose to go for the best Natural Growth Hormone supplement available in the market today or choose any of the above natural methods of boosting your Human Growth Hormone (HGH). If you want to retain youthful looks into late age, your ultimate goal should be to keep your HGH levels at an optimum as you advance in age.