Buying Cricket Apparel—Not As Simple As It Used To Be In The Past

There was a time when buying cricket apparel involved nothing more than just stitching a pair of white trousers along with a white full-sleeve or half-sleeve shirt depending on your child’s personal preference. By suggesting this to your child and the chances are high that your suggestion would be met with outright rejection.

For starters, the era of cricket being restricted to white flannels has long passed. It has been more than two or three decades since cricket embraced colored clothing. Of course, Test cricket continues to retain the white uniform, which is a good thing because it lends a sense of majesty and grandeur to the sport.

T20 cricket is the brash rebel that One Day cricket once was, which means that you must be prepared for not just colored clothing but sleeveless vests and pants with stylish designs and bright colors as well.

As you can see, buying cricket apparel for your child today involves a lot more work than it did when you began playing cricket. Read ahead for some useful tips that will help you purchase the best apparel for your child without breaking the bank.

Instead of buying half-sleeved T-shirts for ODI and sleeveless shirts for T20, you can buy ODI shirts in bulk and have them modified for T20 on your own. This simple trick will help you qualify for bigger discounts since you will be buying in bulk. Further, modifying it on your own will mean you don’t have to spend money for the tailoring services.

If you are buying sportswear for your child, then you can consider the sportswear requirements of the entire family and buy everything in bulk. There is nothing stopping you from hitting the gym in white exercise-friendly trousers, right? Apparel for cricket is designed no different than apparel for any other sporting event. So, the clothes you buy for cricket should suit you well for other strenuous activities.

Thirdly, you can consider skipping the whites completely if the club is relaxed about its players participating in longer matches in colored clothes. If not, then you can consider skipping colored clothes and ask your child to play all the matches in white clothes. This can help your child come across as somebody really serious about cricket.

Finally, keep a sharp lookout for good deals on cricket clothes. From deals offered by your credit card issuer to redeeming points earned on the site throughout the year, you can reduce the final cash outflow significantly by simply waiting for the right time to make all your purchases.

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