Faux cast iron means a tool or interior decoration that is designed to either look like cast iron or to serve a similar function without the weight or the iron. Mimicry is used in dishes[…]
The discovery and development of these sheets date back to 1843 when acrylic acid was first manufactured. Several decades later, a German chemist Otto Rohm patented its name to “Plexiglass.”Today, they are made by both[…]
Glass splashbacks have now become the in-thing in most kitchens all over Australia, varying from the most conventional back painted solid colors to more customized and unique designs made of bespoke materials. Whether your goal[…]
The acrylic material is one of the many variants of plastic. The advantage of using acrylic is that it can remain in the open without suffering any damage. For this reason, acrylic is an ideal[…]