Coconut Yoghurt Recipe: Lose Weight Naturally

Coconut yoghurt is one the healthiest and delicious alternative for vegans and those with milk allergies. Lactose and casein-free, the yoghurt is naturally creamy and sweet and is packed with healthy fats, antioxidants and lots of fiber. Easy to prepare at home, a coconut yoghurt recipe requires you to combine coconut milk (a mixture of coconut meat and water) with probiotics, cultures, and sweeteners to transform it into a velvety creamy and smooth texture. Apart from providing health benefits such as improving digestive health, boosting your immune system and building strong and healthy bones, including this dairy-free yoghurt in your diet can help you lose weight naturally. To know more – read the following guide below.

1: High Fiber content

One 6oz serving of unsweetened coconut yoghurt provides about 6g of fiber. The fiber found in coconuts is not easily digestible and can give you a feeling of fullness after a meal without increasing your blood sugar or adding calories. When fibrous food are added in your diet, it prevents you from overeating and limits calorie intake. Including coconut yoghurt is your diet will help you feel full without increasing your calorie intake, promoting weight loss.

2: Healthy Fats

On average, one serving of coconut yoghurt contains 45g of saturated fats, essential for good health. Most of the saturated fat in the yoghurt is medium-chain- triglycerides (MCTs) which help boost immunity, reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and control weight. Unlike longer-chain fats, MCTs move directly from your digestive tract to the liver, where they are used for energy production rather than be stored as fat. Studies have revealed that MCTs help increases insulin sensitivity which can help promote weight loss. Also, MCTs help balance out unstable gut microbiota. A lack of this stability can often lead to obesity.

3: Low – Carbs

This vegan yoghurt has lower carbs than milk yoghurt and is even healthier and delicious. Including this low – carb yoghurt in your diet can help restrict your carbohydrate intake. Consuming a low- carb yoghurt lowers the insulin levels in your body, causing the body to burn stored fat for energy, leading to weight loss.

The coconut yoghurt recipe can also be prepared with two simple ingredients (coconut milk and probiotics capsules). When preparing homemade yoghurt; ensure that you use good quality coconut milk and probiotics that do not contain PREbiotics. Starting your day with the healthy coconut yoghurt sprinkled with fresh fruits, chia seeds or almonds will provide the required nutrition to keep you feeling healthy and energetic for the rest of the day.

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