Many people who suffer from chronic low backache have found acupuncture to be very helpful. Acupuncture for back pain involves inserting very fine needles into various points on the body. Scientists have indicated that even mild acupuncture works as well as genuine Acupuncture for back pain for chronic low backache. Acupuncture is based on a traditional belief that the human body reacts to “Chinese fire.” This means that what you put into your body will reflect in your body, and it is said that applying positive energy to these points via the needles will correct any problems in the energy flow. Scientists say that the result of acupuncture can vary from one person to another, but most medical practitioners agree that it is an effective treatment for chronic low backache.
A qualified practitioner should always carry out acupuncture treatments. If you are suffering from one of the chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, you should first seek advice from your doctor before you carry out acupuncture treatments. The National Acupuncture Detoxification Association says that you should follow all the guidelines set out by your doctor to get the best possible outcome. In most instances, the practitioner will advise you to follow up with an additional visit a few weeks after your initial acupuncture treatments.
As with any alternative medical treatment, there are some risks involved in acupuncture. Acupuncture should not be considered a cure and should not be used in conventional medicine or medication. If you have back pain, you should first try and carry out some minor exercises and then see if acupuncture helps relieve the pain. It may be worth consulting your medical practitioner first to find out what they think is appropriate.
In the United States, there have been a number of scientific studies carried out on acupuncture. One of these studies has shown that acupuncture does indeed help to relieve pain and to improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from back pain. More people in the United States are now turning to acupuncture as a form of pain relief, and this has led to increases in clinics offering acupuncture services. There are now over 4000 acupuncture practices around the country, and more are being set up every week. In addition to acupuncture studies in the United States, there has also been extensive research carried out in other countries with similar results.
A licensed practitioner will guide you through the process of obtaining an acupuncture treatment and will assist you in choosing the right practitioner to undertake your treatment.