How To Engage Customers On Their Smartphones

Mobile technology is the order of the day. This is thanks to both the Internet and the connectivity and access it adds to our lives, as well as our increasingly ‘on the go’ lifestyle as supported by incredibly powerful mobile devices.

How to Engage Customers on Their Smartphones

1. Build a responsive website

Responsive websites are those where the content on the website adjusts itself to fit the size screen of the device the site is being browsed through. Unlike the alternative – a mobile website – where a completely different (and often limited) mobile version of the website is available, responsive websites include all the site’s content on whatever device is being used. This allows your smartphone website browsers to access all your site’s content and features directly from their smartphones without having to turn on a laptop or another larger more powerful, but highly inconvenient computer.

2. Build an App

Apps are one of the most popular ways for customers to use their smartphones these days. Therefore, having a dedicated app for your customers – whether native or progressive web app – is a great way to keep them connected to your brand or business. Of course, depending on what you are offering your customers and the kind of ‘in-app’ experience you wish for them to have with your brand or business, you will need to decide whether a native app or a progressive web app will be best for you. Consider the pros and cons of both and make your decisions accordingly.

3. Build a Social Media Presence

Another popular way for customers to use their smartphones is for browsing social media websites and platforms. In fact, many smartphone users turn to social media for everything from news to shopping and entertainment. As such, it is a good idea for businesses and brands to build their social media presence so as to keep the interest of their existing customers while attracting prospective ones.

4. Create shareable content

A big feature of smartphone usage is being able to quickly and easily share high-quality information and content without taking up too much space. To properly grab not just the attention, but the interest of your customers as they use their smartphones, the content that you do create should be engaging and easy to share. It should be content that is, of course, also relevant to your brand and what you are trying to achieve. Remember also to sell the value of your brand as opposed to desperately product or service pushing to get a sale.

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