Great skin is a result of many years of effort. It is the outcome of embracing natural skin care and shunning synthetic skin care products.
Beautiful skin is not a miracle. It requires commitment. No one has ever regretted taking good care of her skin. Beautiful skin is the outcome of exceptional skin care.
Your skin will thank you if you abandon products filled with dangerous chemicals and you embrace nature. Chemical laden products will make your skin to age fast. They will also cause breakouts and other undesired skin issues.
The biggest danger of synthetic products is that they have cancer-causing elements. Skin cancer can be fatal and it is expensive to treat.
Mother Nature Has All the Answers
Mother Nature has all the beauty answers that you are looking for. If you want real beauty and youthfulness, focus on naturally produced products and elements. Your skin miracle might be right at your cupboard while you are spending thousands of dollars on expensive chemical filled products.
Fatty Acids
Your skin needs fatty acids. These will help to keep your skin moisturized and healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids also facilitate brain development and they help in preventing heart attack. Fish is the major source of omega-3 fatty acids. Other sources include flax-seed and olive oil.
Nature has provided humanity with many fruits and vegetables that are laden with antioxidants. Unfortunately, many people opt for processed foods that are responsible for aging as well as causing a myriad of other health issues.
You should eat plenty of antioxidant-rich foods like avocados and oranges so that to repair your damaged skin. Vitamin C is a super antioxidant found in blackberries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and blueberries. Dark green vegetables have useful antioxidants that fight free radicals.
A selenium-rich diet will protect you against sun damage and skin cancer. Eggs are a good source of selenium. You can also obtain this nutrient from Brazilian nuts, tomatoes, and wheat germ.
Good Fats
Do not be afraid of fats. There are good fats that will help your skin. These are the fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados and fish. These fats will keep your skin supple by naturally moisturizing it.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E supports healthy skin growth. Almonds and sunflower oil are rich in Vitamin E.
The Bottom-Line
Keep your skin care regiment 100% natural by using natural cleansers, moisturizers, soap, scrubs, facial mask, and creams. You can make homemade skin care products using products easily available in any home. You also need to feed your skin. You should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise will also help your skin.