Status epilepticus is a clinical emergency, which requires special care. It is generally recognized that the most common cause of failure to control epilepsy is due to the patient’s reluctance to take the prescribed medicine or in some cases, under-dosing. Adequate doses of a single, preferred agent, such as phenytoin or ethosuximide is preferable to polpharmacy.
Seizures in the controlled patient may be precipitated by some drug interactions. For instance, the use of antihistamines, propoxyphene (Doloxene-co) or pentazocine (Sosegon). Flashing lights, fatigue or illness may also act as precipitants. Fortunately, psychotherapy services Marietta provides a practical way to help patients deal with the condition.
Therapeutic benefits
Tourmaline possesses the highest level of natural energy of all crystals. It exhibits two physical characteristics. Such as pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity. The latter refers to the property of a Tourmaline crystal, which generates opposite electrical charges on opposing faces when it is heated or experiences a change in temperature.
Piezoelectricity is the property of an asymmetric crystal (like Tourmaline) involving the generation of opposite electrical charges on opposing faces when it is subjected to pressure. This leads to the formation of negative ions (or anions) when attracted by airborne molecules.
For thousands of years, Jade Stones have been used as accessories to promote health by the people in the Orient. Relevant records can be found in copious ancient medical books. Through scientiļ¬c experiments, experts have discovered that jade Stone is a natural source of F.l.R. This gemstone has a wide range of therapeutic applications. including promoting blood circulation, countering premature aging, fortifying immune defense and relieving fatigue.
Status epilepticus is a condition that triggers a series of seizures, which makes it difficult to regain consciousness between the seizures. Grand mal status epilepticus is a life-threatening condition. The immediate danger is linked to the possibility of asphyxiation due to the position of the body, flaccid tongue or postictal oropharyngeal muscle relaxation or build up of saliva.
Fluid can accumulate in the lungs because of raised intrathoracic pressure. Cardiac dysrhythniias may be detected in susceptible patients and require treatment with appropriate agents. Brain damage will occur if the condition is not treated urgently. If possible, the patient’s blood should be tested for levels of the anti-epileptic drug used at the time.
Overdoses of drugs, such as phenvtoin or carbamazepine have been known to precipitate seizures. As a result, further dosing would be undesirable. If serum levels are found to be low. future prophylactic doses should be elevated or better patient compliance sought. Intravenous administration of a bolus dose of phenytoin, a benzodiazepine, such as diazepam. lorazepani or clonazepam or of the fast-acting barbiturate, thiopentone.