Not everyone is familiar with the facts about HCG. It’s a hormone that plays a supportive role in the normal development of a woman’s egg. It stimulates the egg’s release during ovulation. The HCG information contained in this article is basic and fundamental. Anyone using HCG should make it a point to study and research this hormone for themselves.
This hormone is used to both cause ovulation and treat infertility in women. It also is used to increase the sperm count in men. There are some young boys who experience their testicles not dropping down into their scrotum properly (usually the result of a pituitary gland disorder). Again, HCG is used to correct the problem. It has many other uses as well that we will not discuss here. Take the time to research HCG information and go into it with some working knowledge.
How HCG is Given
HCG is injected beneath the skin or directly into a muscle. Anyone who uses it at home will receive instructions from their pharmacist, nurse, or doctor, about how to properly inject this hormone. No-one should ever attempt to inject HCG without fully understanding the proper dosage and the proper procedure for doing so.
Anyone who has experienced any of these following signs should call a doctor immediately –
Extreme Dizziness.
Severe Headache.
Tingling in Their Arm or Leg.
Signs of Blood Clot.
NOTE: Some women, after using HCG, develop a condition known as OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome). This is especially true after their 1st treatment cycle. This can possibly be a condition that is ‘life-threatening’. Any woman experiencing the following symptoms should notify their doctor immediately –
Shortness of Breath
Stomach Pain & Swelling
Nausea or Vomiting
Hands or Legs Swelling
Severe Pelvic Pain
Urinating Less than Usual
HCG can throw young boys into early puberty. The parent of any young boy using HCG should notify the doctor if there are any typical signs of early puberty such as pubic hair growth, increased acne, unusual sweating, or deepened voice.
HCG and Having Babies
Women who use HCG increase their chances of having twins, triplets, and even quadruplets. Multiple pregnancies are high-risk pregnancies for both mother and babies. A doctor’s orders should be followed to the letter in terms of special care during the pregnancy.
While HCG does a good job of helping you to get pregnant, it is in pregnancy category X with the FDA. That means using this after you are already pregnant can cause birth defects. NEVER use HCG while pregnant. Let your doctor know immediately if you become pregnant while having treatment.
Always use HCG while under the care of a physician that you have totally confided in. Let him know of any other medications or health conditions you have had.
Never use HCG in larger or amounts or over longer periods of time as prescribed and recommended by your doctor. Read the prescription label and understand it. Only use a disposable needle ONCE, then throw it away. Be checked by your doctor on a regular basis for signs of improvements in your condition. Keep all your scheduled appointments.
Forms of HCG
There are brands of HCG that come in a combination of powder and liquid that you will have to mix together before drawing it into they syringe. There are also brands that provide you with pre-filled syringes containing a single dose.
Never use HCG if you see it has change color of if the liquid contains any particles. When this happens, call your doctor immediately to get a new prescription. Always store your HCG at room temperature and away from heat, light, and moisture. Once you have your HCG mixed, it must be kept in the refrigerator until time to take your injection. Any medicine you have mixed 30 or more days ago should be thrown out. If you should miss a dose – contact your doctor immediately. Study HCG information online so you know what to expect and what to do in case of side effects.