As a Veteran transitioning from service, there are many factors to consider. The transition can be an overwhelming experience, especially if you have no idea where to get started. No one knows your story better than the Veterans who have been in your shoes. If possible, it is a smart decision to seek out programs run by other Veterans for guidance and support during this process. One such program available is Veteran Career Transition Program (VCTP).
What is a Veteran Career Transition Program?
VCTP is a career program run by Veterans for Veterans. It provides Veterans with work-ready skills training, resumes writing advice, and employment coaching, as well as mock interviews and job leads to help you transition from Military Service to Civilian Employment.
The VCTP program has been created to address some of the common challenges that veterans face during their transition into civilian life:
-Lack of pre-transition planning: Acquiring an understanding of what it will take to successfully enter your new career field(s) and how to achieve those goals.
-Appropriate use of military training and leadership experience: Understanding how to utilize the skills developed through our time in service to meet the demands of civilian job roles.
-Lack of understanding/knowledge of the civilian labor market: Being aware of what employers are looking for in candidates and how to best convey that you possess these skills.
-Resume creation support: Efficiently communicate your skill sets through your resume.
-Cultural assimilation: Knowing the differences between civilian and military culture, how they are similar, and understanding common misperceptions.
How does VCTP work?
Veterans who have recently transitioned or are in the process of transitioning into Civilian life can apply to participate in one of our Career Workshops. These workshops are designed for all levels of experience. Situations include Veterans being discharged without a resume/ cover letter, having difficulty translating their military experiences to meet civilian job requirements, or simply looking for support with resumes or interviews.
Each workshop is offered free of charge to the Veterans attending. The workshop is led by a Certified Employment Coach; all coaches have prior leadership experience in the military.
VCTP’s mission is to provide no-cost services to assist transitioning Service Members, Veterans, and their Spouses in achieving meaningful employment with competitive wages and benefits through skill development training, resume critique/review, mock interviews, and job leads or networking opportunities. With these services, the goal is to enable transitioning Service Members, Veterans, and their Spouses to transition into Civilian Life successfully.