How To Increase Testosterone Production Naturally

Testosterone is a steroid hormone found in men (and to a lesser degree women). It is produced in the testes and stimulates the development of male sexual characteristics such as genital development and hair growth around the face and pubic area during puberty. Testosterone affects sexual function and production of muscle mass as well as helping to maintain bone density and healthy levels of red blood cells.

Starting at the age of 30 testosterone levels in men begin to fall and continue falling as they get older. Low levels of testosterone in men can lead to problems such as reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, feelings of depression and problems with concentration and memory. A physician may recommend testosterone replacement to counteract these issues. You can, however, increase testosterone production naturally by using the following techniques.

By Losing Weight

If you are overweight for your body type, losing excess pounds can boost your testosterone levels. The best way to do this is to limit the amount of processed sugar in your diet and replace them with healthy alternatives such as fruit. You should avoid refined carbohydrates in particular and eat more vegetables, protein, and healthy fats instead.

Getting Enough Zinc in Your Diet

Zinc is a vital element in testosterone production. It has been shown that increasing your zinc intake over a two month period can significantly boost your testosterone levels. Zinc is available in a wide variety of foods including proteins such as meat and fish, milk, cheese, yogurt, and beans. You can also take zinc supplements but make sure that you do not take more than the recommended dose for adults (about 40mg daily).

Doing Training and Other Exercises

Exercising by doing strength training or performing other intense exercise activity has been shown to boost testosterone levels. It’s important that the exercise regime you undertake is sufficiently demanding so that you work a large range of muscles and do so near the limit of your endurance to get the most benefit.

Reducing Your Stress Level

High levels of stress can result in the production of a hormone called cortisol that blocks the effects of testosterone. You can reduce stress in a range of ways such as meditation or yoga. Whatever form your stress reduction takes, it’s important that you regularly make a time for yourself where you unload the cares of the world and simply focus on your own well-being.

Ensuring You Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is an essential part in the healthy development of sperm cells. It helps to increase sperm count and also helps increase testosterone production in your body. The best source of Vitamin D is sunshine so getting out and about and exposing your skin to sunlight is the best way of ensuring you are not deficient in this important vitamin.

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