Would you like to make your own stickers at home? This can be a great way to decorate your laptop, your locker, your notebooks, and other stuff you own. You could also give them away to friends for special occasions and important events. If you have an inkjet printer, then you can make this happen. Just purchase inkjet printable vinyl and you will be good to go. Do check what you’re buying because there are different types and they have their own strengths and weaknesses. Consider the following tips to make your sticker creation as stress-free as possible:
Use Jam-resistant Vinyl Sheets
Inkjet printable vinyl for making stickers are known to be prone to jams. This can be incredibly frustrating as it will delay your project until you can resolve it. Imagine designing a cool logo or a stunning graphic only to be stopped by a printer jam. Avoid this by looking for brands that have been specifically designed to counteract this problem. Of course, anyone can claim to be problem-free so you do have to read the reviews to see what actual users have to say about it. Purchase the least problematic brand. It will be worth every penny. You can also test different ones to see what works best for your printer.
Stick to a Proven Brand
If there is a deadline looming and you don’t have time to test, then stick with a proven brand and do the experiments later. The important thing is to have the stickers ready for your event. Remember that printers tend to favor certain types of sheets and not others. Different printers offer different responses. That is why you should eventually try to figure out your inkjet’s quirks. It will save you time and money later on. There are actually known issues with some printers and sheets. They may specify these in the product pages for guidance.
Use Waterproof Inks
Sometimes your prints will have color runs that will ruin the whole thing. The problem is not actually the sheet. You can use other brands and end up with the same results. What you have to change is the ink as the current one is probably not waterproof. Applications where the stickers may be exposed to moisture are particularly vulnerable. Look for pigment inks as these are likely to be waterproof. Avoid dye based inks as these are probably not what you’re searching for. Laminate for outdoor use to be on the safe side.