An internal mail tracking system is required by businesses that send and receive lots of mails. You need real time proof of delivery and receipt for each mail you send or receive. Take help of a web based mail tracking system to manage all your mails. It will speed up the process of sending and receiving packages. Improve the accuracy of this process. The web based mail management software makes it easy to access all mail related information from anywhere.
Benefits of mail tracking Management Software
The software has two components. The first is the offline element that you use to create and check labels. The second is the web based system that processes mail data in the background. It receives data from the offline systems including the barcode scanners. This online part of the software works automatically as per the settings made by the administrator and users. Install this app on any device including smartphones, tablet, scanner and other computer systems. The web based application can be configured and customized as per your mail management requirements. You can handle mail related transfer, inspection, delivery and other activities. All these activities leave behind a data trail that can be audited. Prepare reports using this data. Learn what types of mails you are handling and how to improve your mail management process.
Simple and Easy to Use
The mail tracking system for internal use is quite easy to use. Operators need only a few minutes of training to become familiar with it. Technical support services are available if you face any difficulty in operating, installing or using this software. It is a cloud based solution so you do not have to worry about software upgrades and updates. The software is updated in the background immediately as soon as any update is issued. It is compatible with most popular printers, computers, OSs, barcode readers, scanners and other related systems and software programs. This comprehensive internal mail tracking and management system will improve your mail department’s productivity.
Barcode based Mail Software
This program is used to manage inbound mails, documents, files and parcels. It works well not only for large organizations but also for the smaller organizations that receive lots of mails. Educational institutions, hospitality centers, and businesses involved in other activities can use it if they receive lots of mails. The online system keeps all data safe and secure. Processing of incoming mails becomes easier with the help of this barcode based system.
Now you will not face any difficulty in managing your inbound and outbound mails. Use this effective internal mail tracking system to reduce your mail management costs.