Choosing Baby Keepsakes Box
Baby Keepsakes boxes are perfect for storing up memories of your child. When your child is all grown up, you’ll always have items to remind you of when they were still infants and you can smile with pride knowing that your love finally paid off. There is no limit to the number of items you can store in a keepsakes box.
When it comes to keepsake boxes, you can either choose to buy one or build one at home. Wood is easy to work with, making it easy for novices to build their own keepsake boxes.
Buying Baby Keepsake Boxes
Size – It is important that you choose the right keepsake box for your baby items. Chances are that you have a collection of items you’ve gathered over the weeks, and that’s why you need somewhere to store them. Consider the number of items you’ve collected and determine the rate at which you find new items. If you are always finding new items to store inside your box, then consider buying a big box or more than one box.
Material – It is equally important that you buy a keepsake box that is just right for your needs. These boxes can be made from wood, metal and plastic among other materials. If you are looking for a box that will remain for years in your family and still be easy to handle, then consider buying something made out of wood.
If you are looking for something you can store in the attic to safely store items for months or years, then metal will be ideal. Aluminium for instance is light to carry around and durable.
Customization – If you are into labeling, then consider buying a customized keepsake box with names or pictures of your child. Most people prefer engraving initials of their baby’s names on the surface of the box for an extra special feelings. There are many companies offering such services online and you’ll have plenty of options to work with.
What to Store in Keepsake Boxes
As mentioned earlier, there is no limit to the types of items you can store in a keepsake box. For most parents, the items that a baby has just stopped using become very precious. A baby’s first shoes and socks can be stored inside a keepsake box as they represent a time in a baby’s life.
Pacifiers, photographs, toys and even clothes can all be stored inside a keepsake box. Each person has their own unique way of viewing things and the things that other people consider special might not be very special to you. It is therefore up to you to decide what should and should not go inside a keepsake box.