More than 100 Million people suffer from persistent chronic pain, and despite today’s conventional methods, most physicians are quick to dismiss using alternative therapies. Patients are realizing acupuncture in Richmond is not only less expensive than conventional therapies, but also a quicker remedy.
A 40-year old nurse with a six year history of infrequent lower back and neck pain seeks treatment from her family physician. The pain has progressively worsened during the last six-months. Despite her doctor recommended physical therapy, and monthly corticosteroid injections, the pain remains a dull ache and it worsens as she stands and walks during her shift. She worries about effectively performing her job, demotion, termination, or worse, causing further pain. After reading the benefits of Chinese medicine, she considers and asks her physician for a referral to an acupuncturist. After an eight-year history, acupuncture progressively eliminates her pain within weeks.
How Acupuncture Points Work
We have 12 meridians that are entrances to the human body, and every medical condition is amenable to treatment with acupuncture. Acupuncture meridian charts for each particular portion of the body details which meridian and energy point can heal a disorder. Your energy points can even help detect any disturbances before they develop into painful conditions.
Acupuncture is a traditional therapeutic Chinese medicine, and like other ancient oriental techniques, such as shiatsu or reflexology, the practice works through the stimulation of specific energy points within the body.
Historically acupuncturists have noted the points that were stronger than others in the treatment of a particular disease action.
Each of these points corresponds to a meridian or your energy channel, and each meridian corresponds to an internal organ of the body, and each organ connects to the appearance of certain emotions.
By applying pressure to a meridian, the specific disease or disorder associated with different meridians can heal. For example, there are eleven points for the lung meridian, detailed on the acupuncture meridian chart. Needles applied to these points, can alleviate respiratory diseases such as cough, asthma, tonsillitis, and many others.
When your body experiences an imbalance, or the meridian’s energy is blocked it generates a disparity with a corresponding organ. To unblock the channel and restore energy flows, you simply stimulate your acupuncture points.
Chinese medicine believes a disease is nothing but a natural consequence because of the lack of energy. The cure is to re-balance the body through the stimulation of acupuncture points.
How many treatments are necessary?
Each person is unique. The severity and time of the condition, and the physical condition of the patient dictate how many treatments are required, but chronic cases usually require several visits per week.
If you suffer from some type of pain, acupuncture may be a good option to eliminate your discomfort.