There are many types of home loans in existence, but they are not all the same. Since consumers also have different credit ratings, disposable incomes and savings, they cannot all get the same types of home loans. After applying for a home loan, you may discover later on that there is a better deal out there. This should prompt you to refinance the mortgage. That said, there are many reasons why a property owner may want to refinance their home loan.
Whether you have just bought your first home or you are on your second or third mortgage, you can refinance. Before you can make your decision, however, it is crucial you weigh all the pros and cons to ensure you do not make losses. Below are the 3 key reasons to refinance home loan:
To Lower Interest Rates
If you have been paying a higher interest rate than necessary, it is recommended you refinance to lower the rate. You only need to check what the prevailing rate is on the market and compare that to the mortgage rate you are currently paying. If your mortgage rate is higher, refinancing can help you save money by lowering your mortgage rate. Almost every lender, including your bank, will be happy to refinance home loan.
To Lower Monthly Payments
Change of circumstances can make it difficult for you to continue servicing your home loan. To make things easier, you should consider spreading the outstanding balance of the loan over a longer period of time to lower the monthly installments. Th best way to do this is through refinancing the mortgage. If the remaining term is 10 years, the balance can be spread over 15-20 years to make it easier for you to service the loan.
To Borrow Money
If you have paid off half of the mortgage and you need to borrow a large sum of cash to acquire a second home to rent to third parties, you can borrow against your home through refinancing. Most lenders will give you a loan of up to 100% of the equity you have in the property.
Before refinancing, you have to compare the closing costs to the savings you might make. If the costs are high, it will not make sense to refinance, unless you are borrowing money against the equity in your home. Proper timing is also recommended because interest rates usually fluctuate from time to time. You may also want to work with a mortgage broker when searching for the cheapest home loans.