There are a lot of intoxicants in the world, but few come close to being as rare or unique as Mad Honey. It is true it is not the most potent high either, and it works indirectly by preventing the brain from using and recycling certain chemicals. The mechanism of action is unique, so the effect is unique as well. Some people use it just because it evades laws designed to control more conventional drugs.
It is pretty easy to hide, seeing that it is natural honey that is impregnated with the defense chemicals of a flower. As is common in nature, some chemicals affect mammals that do not affect insects and vice versa. Bees seem not to notice grayanotoxin while it can affect humans after consuming enough of it.
Another key benefit is that the active ingredient, grayanotoxin, is not generally lethal or addictive. An overdose will cause vomiting and nausea for a day or so but then the poisoned person usually recovers without becoming addicted. The brain is not stimulated because a drug mimics dopamine but because the poison prevents the brain from normally turning off important chemical receptors.
Chemicals that make neurons overwork themselves or not turn off when they are supposed to are called agonists. Mad honey makes the brain overstimulate itself. Since the chemical does not flood the brain with an artificial stimulant but instead causes the brain to overstimulate itself, this drug does not generally cause addiction. Some people do get attached do to personal preference though.
People get attracted to this drug in part because it is rumored to increase sexual performance, which is not necessarily a confirmed rumor. It is a natural product, and there is some temptation to believe that a primal drug will have an effect on libido. Mostly, it makes the brain overactivated and has few direct medical benefits. It does not cause numbness or alleviate pain like some other euphoric drugs.
When it creates euphoria, it is a side effect of brain overworking itself. Another effect is that it impairs the vagus nerve and as the result can create irregular heartbeat. Someone who receives a low dose usually recovers in a few hours, but an overdose will cause a person to experience a nauseous ride even though they will likely recover.
This drug is used recreationally in Asian countries where the associated flower is common. It is not traded as aggressively as other euphoric drugs and is relatively rare. Since it is bought as an inconspicuous product, it is hard to trace without carefully testing the honey. It can be bought and shipped through the mail often with minimal hassle.