Doors are crucial parts of the home because they uphold security and privacy. It is critical for them to remain impenetrable for outsiders. Voice activated door can help homeowners maintain a secure home by using biometrics and other methods to bar intruders while welcoming authorized persons. Traditional keys are out of style as they are easy to copy and old locks are a snap to open. Below are some of the more innovative ways to gain entry into your house:
Voice Activation
Certain doors have microphones that are able to pick up sound in the immediate vicinity. It can process this sound to check whether the voice is of an authorized person or not. Outsiders will not be able to gain access into the premises with this kind of solution. Meanwhile, those who are part of the household can quickly get in and out as they please. They won’t have to worry about leaving their keys inside. They can just speak their name or a chosen passcode to continue through the voice activated door.
Fingerprint Sensor
These modern locks may also include a fingerprint sensor. We all know that every person has a unique fingerprint so this is a perfect way to identify an individual who is trying to get inside. Intruders will not be able to produce the same pattern no matter how many attempts they have. Homeowners again will not have to take anything with them when they go outside as they can simply use their fingers to get in. Each family member can enroll one or two fingerprints into the database.
Some people might prefer using passwords to get in. This is usually a short numeric code although it may be possible to input an alphanumeric code in advanced systems. Make sure you remove the default passcode and use a secure one that is hard to guess. Be as cautious as you would in picking your ATM password.
Card Swipe
Finally, you can also use a card with a magnetic strip or an embedded chip to unlock the door. This would be more secure than using a regular key since picking the lock would be close to impossible. Just swipe the card and your credentials will be read right away. The downside is that it will be harder to enter if you left the card somewhere.
The best door lock is one that has sensors for all of the things mentioned. This gives homeowners multiple options for entering their house while barring others.