Some of the Leading Causes of Birth Defects

Birth defects are deformities that happen when the baby is forming in the womb and they can be detected before, during or after birth. Many of these defects can be treated with early detection through use of drugs or surgery. Some of the top causes of birth defects are such as:

Genetics and chromosomes

This is where people who have too many or few chromosomes will have anatomical developmental issues. For example, down syndrome occurs when an individual has too many chromosomes, whereby the extra chromosome leads to the birth defect.

Extra or absence of chromosomes also causes a birth defect called cystic fibrosis which damages the pancreas and lungs with time. The genes can also be passed from the parent or family member down to the baby, for example, dwarfism.

Another example of a defect that is caused by chromosome is when a female lacks part or does have chromosome X completely, they can have a defect called turner which is characterized by short stature and also the woman lacks ovaries.

Environmental factors

Some of these environmental factors include infections and drug abuse, and happen when the mother has sexually transmitted infections when pregnant or is abusing drugs or taking medicines that have not been prescribed by the doctor.

Uncontrolled diabetes and obesity are also other examples of environmental factors that can also lead to top causes of birth defects.

When a parent or guardian knows that their baby has a defects it’s important to seek opinion from different therapists until the proper one is found.

There are a number of birth defects and they include:

Club feet which mostly affects boys than girls, and it can affect one or both feet and can be painful when the baby begins to walk but some cases can be mild.

Cleft lip which normally affects the nostril, the lip and the dental arch. Kids who have cleft lip normally have problem with feeding and also with speech, where they will need a speech therapist.

There is also spina bifida which when not operated early can cause leg paralysis and also the baby can have difficulties controlling bladder or bowel. Other defects include: undeveloped limbs or no limp, chromosomal defects and heart defects.

Some important ways of preventing these birth defect is by making sure that the mother gets enough folic acid before conceiving, avoiding unnecessary drugs, getting the vaccinations as prescribed by the doctor and also by making sure that they do not have any sexually transmitted diseases.

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