The Basics Of Tea Leaf Reading

Best Tea for Tea Leaf Reading is an ancient way of producing accurate information and answers concerning the future by interpreting leaves patterns in a cup. It is a powerful method of revealing the past, present, and future. Tea leaf reading artistry started in Ancient China, where tea drinkers could interpret the shapes the tea leaves would leave at the bottom of the cup. After that, however, it evolved into a fortunetelling method. Moreover, when tea got its way into Europe, it became a popular drink, and the art of leaf reading grew thereby. Today it is among the most accessible fortunetelling forms to practice as it only requires a cup, a saucer, and tea.

Best Tea for Tea Leaf Reading, although there are several types of tea, loose tea — black, green, white, or oolong are the best tea for these tasks. Besides, tea in tea bags could be too broken due to the processing for you to use in tea leaves reading. Furthermore, the it ought not to be of the same size. Some tea leaf readers suggest that you should not use tea with additional ingredients such as dried flowers or orange peel. Even if this could be true, all you need to ensure is the peels or flowers are of similar size as the tea leaves for them to blend.

Items for Leaf Reading

You can use any cup for tea leaf reading. It may be old or new, only that it has to be round and have a handle. Similarly, you can use any tea set and teapots. Moreover, you will need a saucer, preferably one that matches the cup. Since teacups and teapots are available in the market with varied shapes, colors, designs, and sizes, you can select any according to your preference. Also, avoid using a teapot with an internal filter that may prevent the leaves from leaving the pot into the cup. The art of tea leaves reading requires the leaves to be in the cup and not use any tea strainers.


In conclusion, it is acceptable to add lemon, milk, or sweetener to your tea as it will not affect the results. However, it would help if you did not use cream because it may give your tea an unpleasant texture and flavor. The high-fat content can also make the tea leaves clump together, making it difficult to read. Moreover, do not worry about swallowing the tea leaves because they will settle at the bottom of the cup. When done drinking, you should leave a bit of tea and then the leaves in the cup.

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