The Best Exercises During Pregnancy

Being pregnant brings with it a list of lifestyle changes, many intended to ensure the health of you and your baby. Exercising while pregnant can help to prepare your body for giving birth, and can help to alleviate much of the discomfort and pain that many pregnant women experience. And keeping fit while carrying your baby also makes it easier to get back into shape after the baby arrives.

The best excerises during pregnancy include aerobics, walking and swimming. Walking can be safely done right up until the time you give birth, and of course you can walk just about anywhere, even if it’s just around your home or yard or the local mall. It’s also safe to go jogging or use a step machine or indoor stationary cycling machine, although obviously you should always take it more slowly than you did before and stop when tired. Aerobics is an excellent way to tone the body during pregnancy as well as strengthen the heart, and taking an aerobics class is a great way to interact with other pregnant women and exchange notes.

Yoga can help to keep your body flexible while pregnant and can help with muscle tone. Basic stretching routines are also a great way to prevent muscle strain as well as keeping your body supple and relaxed. You can also strengthen your muscles by weight training, although controlled and slow movements are a must when lifting weights. Many pregnant women also find that weight training can be a big help in preparing for all that baby lifting that will inevitably follow.

Swimming has long been considered one of the most best excerises during pregnancy, as well as one of the safest. If you experience pain in the lower back while carrying your baby, swimming can help to alleviate some of that pain. It also reduces swelling and helps to target the large muscle groups in the legs and the arms. And many pregnant women simply like the feeling of weightlessness they experience while in the swimming pool, despite all that extra weight being carried.

If you find yourself pregnant, it’s important to remember that not only is exercising while pregnant safe, it’s actually encouraged and can make a big difference to how you feel during pregnancy and afterwards. Always consult your doctor if in doubt, and remember not to exercise at the level you were doing before, and don’t overdo it.

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