A childcare build project needs to undergo multiple stages to go from concept to operation. Each stage is crucial in the success of the endeavor so stakeholders must take each of these seriously. They must meet with experts who can navigate through all of the challenges and offer solutions based on experience. Let’s take a closer look at these stages and what they entail.
The Planning Stage
This is where it all begins. It requires the assessment of the project’s feasibility and financial viability. You should make sure that there is an actual market demand for the services that you intend to offer. You could provide the highest level of service but that will not matter if there is no demand from the area for what you can do. For example, childcare build tend to be more concentrated in urban areas where there are many dual-income households as they help parents focus on their careers while taking care of the children. The business plan should be drafted this early.
The Predevelopment Stage
This stage is the part where you select suitable sites for the facilities. Assess the pros and cons of each candidate location including the cost, the neighborhood, and the ease of access. Once a site is selected, obtaining the control of the site is next on the agenda. It could be bought or rented from the owner. The project design also takes on a more definite form since the architects can already tailor their blueprints to the actual site dimension, orientation, and so on. The contractor should be selected and the financing must be secured.
The Development Stage
This is the part where the actual construction takes place. Project managers must oversee all of the developments to make sure that the plan is being followed throughout. This could be either the initial construction phase or a renovation. It goes beyond the completion of the structure to include a fit-out with furniture and décor. Classroom materials also need to be obtained. The management has to get their licensed to operate approved by the authorities. Recruiting staff has to begin and marketing around the community can start.
The Start-up Stage
In this final stage, the operation can finally begin. The facility should start slowly and ramp-up to full capacity in due time. The first day will probably have lots of vacancies but this is fine as you are still testing out your systems. Things will get better with additional marketing and community awareness.