Child custody mediation is a process in which both parents participate to solve their disputes through a neutral third party. Mediation is often successful, as the participants work together to find an agreement that satisfies the children and ensures their best interests. However, it can also end in disaster if the parents are not willing to cooperate. If this happens, both parties must seek out child custody mediation services experienced in working with these types of cases.
Before any mediator can begin gathering information from both sides, they will need information from both parents. This information should include the child’s custody and visitation schedules, the child’s living arrangements, physical custody and visitation location, any form of parenting agreement (custody and joint custody, etc.), and any other relevant facts that help the mediator make a fair and unbiased decision.
Once all the information is gathered, the mediator will begin going over it. At this point, the mediator will ask each parent questions about the situation. Then, they will compile all of the information and compile it into a written document. The document will be used as a basis for the mediator’s recommendation to the parents.
Child custody mediators are not simply people who sit down and try to talk to every child-parent pair they come across. Instead, they have years of experience dealing with child custody situations and will know what questions to ask and how to answer them. This means that a good mediator will be able to gather the most accurate information possible. This information will help the mediator create the strongest recommendations.
There are many other benefits to hiring a child-custody mediation service. These benefits include saving time. Because they have been dealing with child custody cases for so long, they will be able to gather a lot of information without even talking to the parents. In addition to this, they will know the best way to get both parents to agree on a plan so that the mediation process can begin.
In order to use mediation services, it is important that the parents have been working together for an extended period of time. It is also a better idea if the parents and the mediator have no prior disagreements. Mediation can only work if both parties are willing to cooperate. If there are any problems, they will be easy to resolve. Therefore, the parents will want to do whatever they can to cooperate.
To find a child custody mediation services professional, one can check with the Department of Social Services to see if the mediator is licensed. This person should have at least five years of experience in child custody law. He or she should be able to give you information on where to find qualified mediators, how to use their services, and more. They should be willing to provide you with references from their clients.