Do you cringe when the power bill arrives? Many people assume that their utility bills are a necessary evil that they simply cannot do anything about, but in truth, there are several ways to save on energy bills. This article will highlight three of the most effective ways to lower your energy costs.
Control Your Heating and Cooling Costs
Heating and cooling your home is generally very expensive. Heating can be responsible for as much as 42 percent of your total heating bill during winters in cold states such as New Jersey, while six percent of all electricity consumed in the United States is for air conditioning.
If you want to save on electricity, the first thing you should do is install energy-efficient HVAC systems. Improper installation can cost you up to 30 percent of the system’s efficiency, so it is recommended to trust a licensed HVAC professional with this job. You should also seek and eliminate any drafts that make heating and cooling your home more challenging than it needs to be. For example, older homes generally have outdated air ducts that severely compromise energy efficiency.
Upgrade to Energy Efficient Appliances
Energy-efficient devices such as LED light-bulbs and Energy Star-certified kitchen appliances can reduce how much energy these machines consume by more than 40 percent. Many power companies also offer cash-back rebates to encourage their customers to replace outdated appliances, taking some of the stings out of their upfront costs.
You should also think about whether you actually need to use a device. For instance, a programmable thermostat allows you to set your house to a comfortable temperature shortly before you get home as opposed to spending on all-day climate control.
Switch Your Energy Supplier
If you live in a state with deregulated energy markets such as Texas or New York, you can get a better rate on each kilowatt-hour of power you consume by choosing a third-party energy supplier. Third-party energy providers purchase energy on the open market for their retail customers and compete with one another on the price for your business. Your local utility company will still deliver power to your home and resolve any outages promptly, so there’s really no downside to switching providers.
That said, you have to know what you are signing up for. Some companies offer cheap rates on a short-term contract that automatically turn into higher, variable rates without proactive action on your part. Don’t fall for that trap!
We’ve shared three of our favorite tips to save on energy bills, but there are plenty of other ways to save energy as well. What are your top tips?