Tips For Setting Up A Successful LinkedIn Outreach Campaign

To say that LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B marketers would be an understatement. It’s the social platform of choice for professionals, with four-fifth of users holding positions that dictate buying decisions. That means you’d better get your LinkedIn outreach campaign up and running if you don’t already have one; here are a few tips to help you get started.

Study Your Prospects

No, we’re not talking about going full stalker mode. But at least take time to research your targets, paying attention to their backgrounds and projects they’re actively working on. This will give you some insights to not only personalize your first message but also get the conversation going. You’ll also recall that LinkedIn sends a notification when another user views your profile — a subtle way to get on your prospects’ radar before making the first move.

Leverage Mutual Connections

According to a recent survey, 90% of B2B decision-makers are more receptive to marketers who’ve been vouched for by their peers. LinkedIn will reveal every mutual contact you share with a prospect once you visit their profile; don’t hesitate to take advantage. Having a mutual acquaintance break the ice will eliminate the awkwardness of a cold approach, vastly increasing your likelihood of making headway.

Look for Common Interests

Can’t find someone the two of you know in common? Look for a common interest then. Check out the kind of topics they follow, the content they engage with/share, and groups they participate in. Whatever common ground you have with the person will help you build rapport and give them a reason to connect with you.

Keep it Short and Subtle

Feeling ready to make the move yet? Your first message should convey tangible value to the person without sounding abrasive or blunt — using the fewest words possible. Share one or two reasons for reaching out and invite the prospect to get back to you. Remember that the goal of this message is to kickstart a conversation that’ll set the stage for a long, fruitful relationship.

Engage Elsewhere

The good thing about LinkedIn outreach is that you can interact in many different ways besides messaging; posts, groups, comments, etc. Be sure to engage your prospects across all these spaces. In particular, you want to look out for any articles they publish and post your feedback; it’s a pretty effective way to get a discussion going. Do try to keep things moderate, though — there’s a fine line between engagement and setting off stalker alarms, as highlighted earlier.

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