You can travel frequently but you won’t be able to sustain it unless you become a highly practical nomad. You need to make a budget and stick to it. Any chance to reduce your expenses should be welcomed with open arms. The savings can be channeled into more experiences, better food, and other things that matter to you. When you are packing your luggage, make sure that you bring travel tools that will help you save money throughout the journey. Below are some of the items that you might want to add to your list next time:
International Travel Sim
You can always use your current SIM card and get the roaming service of your carrier. However, this is likely to cost you a fortune. Those who tried it know just how expensive this can be. Consider getting an international travel SIM instead. This will allow you to use a phone as if you were a local. This means local rates for calls, SMS, and surfing. The difference is immense. You can save a lot just by making this switch. This travel SIM can be used in most countries all over the world you can buy one and use it several times. Definitely great value for money.
Travel Clothesline
Washing clothes is one of the less glamorous sides of traveling. Unless you are willing to bring a ton of luggage just so you never have to repeat anything, you need to clean up your used clothes. You could always find a local laundry service and leave your stuff there or use their machines to wash the items yourself. Another strategy is to buy laundry soap and wash items in your room. Bring a travel clothesline so you can hang them in a suitable spot such as a terrace, a window, or something similar.
Silk Bedliner
You won’t always have luxurious accommodation, especially if you are traveling on a budget. So why not carry luxury wherever you go instead? Have a silk bedliner in your bag so you can pull it out when you need to sleep in less than ideal situations. Then it won’t matter if the beddings are rough to the touch. You will be wrapped in smooth silk from head to toe. Silk can also add warmth to your layers of clothing. It’snice to have one when camping. If you are trying to sleep on an overnight train or bus, then it can be handy as well.
Little things all up. Try all these and enjoy better travels.