What Are Sclera Contacts White?

Sclera contacts white are a type of contact lenses that cover the entire eye. They are usually used for special effects in movies and theatrical performances, but can also be used for medical purposes. Sclera contacts white provide an opaque covering of the entire eye, including the whites sclera. This makes them a great option for those looking to change their eye color or just make a bold statement with their look.

How Do Sclera Contacts White Work?

Sclera contacts white work by completely covering the surface of your eyes. The lenses come in two pieces: one larger piece that covers most of your eyeball and one smaller piece that fits around the outer edge of your pupil. The lens is made from a soft material that allows it to conform to your eyes and provide maximum comfort while wearing them.

Benefits Of Using Sclera Contacts White

The primary benefit of sclera contacts white is that they provide total coverage over your eyes, making it easier to change or enhance your appearance without worrying about exposure or discomfort. They also offer excellent protection from dust, dirt, and other particles which could potentially damage sensitive areas like the cornea or conjunctiva if not properly covered up. Additionally, these lenses can help reduce glare caused by sunlight as well as providing an overall uniform look when worn correctly with makeup or costume accessories such as masks and hats.

Potential Risks Of Wearing Sclera Contacts White

Although sclera contacts white are generally considered safe when worn correctly, there are still some potential risks associated with using them including redness and irritation due to improper fit or use; infection due to bacteria buildup on the lens; dryness caused by lack of oxygen getting through; vision impairment if not fitted properly; and even permanent damage if misused over time. It’s important to always follow all instructions provided by manufacturers when handling any type of contact lens, especially scleras since they cover such a large area around the eye itself.

What To Look For When Buying Scleras In White

When buying scleras in white it’s important to find ones made from quality materials so they don’t irritate or cause any discomfort when being worn over long periods of time – especially during activities like swimming where water can easily enter into contact with them. Additionally make sure you read all instructions carefully before using any kind so you know how best care for them like cleaning regularly in order maintain optimal performance without risking any damages. Finally check out reviews online about different brands/types available on market so you get most suitable pair possible given individual needs & preferences.

In Conclusion

When considering whether scleras in white would be right choice for you keep mind all potential risks associated with wearing these types contact lenses & only purchase ones made from quality materials after doing research into different brands/types available – this way can ensure get most comfortable pair possible without risking unnecessary harm yourself.

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