What Is Bale Bedding?

If you’re interested in creating your animal stall, you may be wondering what bale bedding is. While bales used for cow feed are not likely to see as much wear and tear as those used for horse stalls, they are still susceptible to the wear and tear that animals in the stables inflict on them. During rest and sleep, animals will chew on the bales and cause holes in them. Hay farmers make bales that are either soft or hard.


Straw has many uses in the farm, home, and garden. Straw looks great and smells good, but it’s also the perfect material, not to mention it’s an affordable, abundant resource. The frequency at which you change straw will depend on the size and number of chickens in your coop. But as straw doesn’t release moisture well, you may have to replace your bedding more often than other bedding materials. If moisture builds up, it can cause bacteria and mold to develop, and your chickens will be exposed to harmful microorganisms. So to keep your chickens healthy, make sure to change your bedding regularly!

Pine shavings

The benefits of using pine shavings for bale bedding are numerous. Among these are reduced Ammonia levels and a soft cushion that promotes leg health. In addition, pine shavings are free of strong ammonia odors, which can stimulate allergic respiratory conditions. Besides, pine shavings contain a fresh pine aroma. Using pine shavings reduces the labor cost of bedding stalls. However, the benefits of using pine shavings are not limited to bedding.

Peat moss

The use of peat moss in chicken coops has been widely criticized due to its poor health benefits. Despite the good benefits, peat moss also contains toxins. The sphagnum type of peat is prone to fungi and fungal infections. In fact, it can even cause hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP).

There are many benefits of using peat moss in bedding. The soft and spongy material is easily absorbed by the horses. The hay on top keeps the dust to a minimum, and the peat moss absorbs the smell. In addition to absorbing the smell, the peat moss keeps the shed clean and smell-free. But a downside of peat moss is that it requires frequent cleaning.


One of the most cost-effective bale bedding alternatives is sawdust, which is widely available. Sawdust is relatively easy to obtain and does not require storing. However, the material must be stored in a dry, out-of-wind location to avoid the formation of mold and mildew. This requires additional time and labor to do properly. Another disadvantage of sawdust is the presence of dust, especially when purchased in bulk. Fortunately, shavings made from fir and pine contain the least dust.

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