Weighted blankets have long been used in the medical field as a sleeping aid. They are recommended for those who have trouble sleeping and others who may benefit from their comforting presence. They can be anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds for adults with lighter options available for children. Inside are pellets and other items that can increase the weight, along with cotton and other softeners for a nice feel. They are great for gifts during the holidays. Just make sure that you also purchase a weighted blanket cover or two. Select products that are:
Removable and Washable
The cover should have a zipper or other means to open it up and take it out. You need to be able to remove the whole thing from time to time in order to wash it. After all, the blanket can get dirty and smelly after long use. You want to keep it clean and fresh to make your bed feel inviting. Otherwise, things will start to get itchy and uncomfortable which negates the purpose of the blanket. Removable covers are easier to wash than the whole blanket since they are not as thick and heavy.
Breathable Fabric
Check the kind of fabric used for the cover. It needs to be breathable so that air can flow in and out of it freely. This will make the blanket so much more comfortable because vapor will not be trapped inside. Users will stay cool and relaxed underneath. There will be less twisting and turning because of hot spots.
Soft on Skin
The cover will be touching the skin throughout the night. If this has a rough surface, then the user will not be happy. He or she might just put the blanket aside and get another one that would be more pleasant on the skin. Typical options include cotton, polyester, and bamboo microfiber.
Color and Design
The blanket itself may not come in a color that you like. They also tend to be quite plain. If you would like to make these match your existing interiors, then go ahead and get a weighted blanket cover that checks all the boxes. You can be as fancy or as conventional as you would like. If you are giving it as a gift, then make sure it matches the personality of the recipient.
A blanket cover is a great addition if you want the ease of cleaning and versatility in style.