So we find ourselves in the midst of an era where many countries are much more lenient when it comes to the “drug “or as the Ras-Tafari call it the Herb OF life, is being made legal at different levels.
So why should you get a Cannabis Testing Kit?
There are many reasons, to check for quality, strength, strain of CPT Etc. So let’s have a look:
The top testers allow you to test the potency of your cannabis the % THC (TetraHydroCannabinol — the mind-altering ingredient found in Cannabis) exactly where you are and in minutes before you do anything else.
Some will even detect cannaboid levels such CBD (CannaBiDiol), CBN (CannaBiNol) and 20+ terpenes (The natural oils in cannabis that gives it that distinctive smell) which gives you your TCP (Total Canna Profile)
All this data can be sent to a lab for chemical analysis and compared to the stored data where it confirms not only all the above percentages but also how it will make you feel as well as what symptoms or ailments it might alleviate.
In doing this you not only find out what strain works for you but it is an extremely easy and convenient Cannabis Testing Kit.
To Empower an Industry
The ultimate goal of all testing kits makers is to empower an already growing but frowned upon the industry by providing the analyzers that are mobile and easy to use and most of reliable and accurate.
This will give consumers, regulators (like government officials), distributors and manufacturers the key information and to make smarter decisions about the use and abuse of the product.
Through this process they try and legitimize the industry and strive for accurate transparency and scientific coherency to help in the following:
• Find your best strain profile that works for you
• By making the manufacturer aware of faults and strain
strengths to improve the product thus increase the quality
and in the end the profit
• Be aware of what is been used and how it is made
• Consumer advisory on what they are buying
• Manufacturers advisory on what they are growing and selling
• Consumer advisory on what you putting your body and mind
• Try to legitimize the industry so you can label
(including ingredients) your product
• To increase and improve manufacturers growth processes
• To track any source through a chemical footprint
So as Cannabis contains over 400 compounds including cannaboids, flavoids, terpenes, fatty acids Etc isn’t good to know what and how it will affect not only you but any user out there per strain good or bad?