In addition to a policy, employers should offer employee educational programs on dealing with substances. Drug and alcohol testing should be conducted on company premises, and disciplinary action should be taken if an employee tests positive for either. These policies should be enforced and reviewed annually. The following are some tips for companies on how to get started in establishing and maintaining a substance abuse policy.
Employees should be offered educational programs to deal with Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy:
Businesses need to offer substance abuse prevention programs to their employees. The consequences of ignoring the problem are costly. Employees abusing substances are a drain on the company and its finances. Employees should be offered educational programs to address alcohol and substance abuse. Such programs are generally available for free and are an easy way for employers to send a message about their concerns about the problem.
The costs of treating substance abuse are staggering. As a result, it is important for employers to offer drug-free workplaces. Many businesses are already offering substance abuse prevention programs, but they need to get more involved.
Drug testing should be performed on company premises:
The company’s drug testing policy should clearly state which employees are covered and when they will be tested. It should also clearly outline the disciplinary consequences of violating the policy. In addition, the policy should be shared with employees and made a part of the employee’s manual. As with all company policies, employees should be aware of the policy and how to respond if they are caught breaking it.
As an employer, it is important to know that certain aspects of your company are subject to government regulation. One of those is your company’s alcohol and substance abuse policy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of your employees by enforcing the law and educating employees about the program. Performing alcohol and drug testing on company premises is an essential part of your alcohol and substance abuse policy.
Employees should be tested for alcohol:
An effective drug and alcohol policy will clearly state what actions will not be tolerated. Some employers will define violations by drug or alcohol level, while others will define them by any amount. An alcohol and drug policy must be drafted with legal ramifications in mind. It may not be a good idea to implement it if it is not. Nevertheless, a well-written policy can prevent many legal ramifications.
Companies with an alcohol and substance abuse policy should avoid singled-out employees for testing. While physical symptoms of intoxication can indicate a drug or alcohol problem, they can also be a sign of a serious medical condition or disability. According to the ADA, employers cannot single out someone for testing on these grounds because they can face charges of discrimination if they are discriminating.
Employees should be subjected to disciplinary action if they test positive for drugs:
Discipline for violating alcohol or drug policy should be by your company’s drug and alcohol policies. For example, if an employee tests positive for drugs, you may refer him or her to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP will evaluate the employee’s need for treatment, and if treatment is unsuccessful, you can impose disciplinary action.