How To Choose A Childcare Design Architect

Child care centers are not like other commercial buildings. They need to be designed and built with an element of care, learning, and discovery that is suitable for a wide range of ages in children. Therefore when you’re selecting an architect for the project, it helps to have someone who is skilled in this area of architectural expertise.

Here are some tips for choosing an architect for your next childcare design and construction project. Note that it is not always possible to find someone that checks all the boxes on your list. Sometimes you have to prioritize which skills and experience are most important to you.

Look for childcare design experience

Like we mentioned before, it helps to have someone who has done this type of work. Look for architects that have had experience designing other local child care facilities. These people will have the background, knowledge, and wherewithal to understand the unique characteristics that are required for the design of the building.

Evaluate design fees for each architect

Virtually all architects have design fees but you have to look closely at the services being provided for those fees. For instance some may draw up plans, help pull permits, and other preliminary planning. Others may not do those services or may charge an extra fee for doing so. You just have to do your homework and get a clear picture of what you are getting for your money.

Ask what your role is in the project

Architects vary in how they work. Some want project managers to be really involved while other firms may want you to stay out of the way while they complete their work. It doesn’t really matter how a firm likes to work (assuming they are good at their work) as long as it fits in well with how you would like to work. For instance do not choose a firm that wants you to be ‘hands-off’ if your intention is to be heavily involved in their aspects of the project.

In-state or Out-of-state

Depending on where you live, it may be inevitable that you have to search out of state for the right candidate (especially if you’re looking for a child care specific architect). If you have to go with an out of state candidate, make sure the remote work is something you’re prepared to deal with. If managing people remotely is a challenge for you, perhaps finding a different type of architect without one of your ideal traits would be a better fit. For example someone without experience designing child care centers.

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