Discover the Best Lavender Companion Plants

Lavender is a beloved herb not just for its beauty but also for its lovely aroma. It is one of the most versatile and popular flowering plants for the garden. It is well-known for its ability to attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. But did you know that you can enhance lavender’s growth and health by planting it alongside certain companion plants?

Companion planting is a time-honored garden practice that involves planting two or more different plants next to each other for mutual benefits. The idea behind companion planting is that certain plants work well together, enhancing each other’s growth, reducing pests and diseases, and increasing productivity. When lavender is planted alongside its compatible companion plants, it thrives even better, becoming more fragrant and vigorous.

Here are some of the best lavender companion plants and why they are perfect for each other:


Rosemary and lavender are two of the most fragrant and flavorful herbs you can grow. Both herbs love the sunshine and well-drained soil, making them ideal companions. The scent of rosemary can help repel pests that might bother lavender. And lavender can attract the bees that pollinate rosemary. Together, these herbs are a match made in heaven.


Both lavender and catmint belong to the mint family, which means they share similar blooming habits and growing conditions. They both prefer full sun and well-draining soil. Catmint is a great companion for lavender because it can repel aphids, flea beetles, and other pests that like to feed on the lavender plant. Additionally, the blue flowers of catmint complement the purple flowers of lavender, creating a beautiful color contrast.


Thyme is another member of the mint family that makes a great companion for lavender. It has aromatic leaves and tiny flowers that attract beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs. Thyme is also known to enhance the flavor of other herbs, like lavender. Planting thyme beside lavender will help improve the taste and fragrance of both herbs.


Sage and lavender make a lovely pair in the garden. Both plants have gray-green leaves and purple-blue flowers. Their complementary colors and textures make them a natural duo. Sage is a beneficial companion for lavender because it can protect it from pests and diseases and reduce stress caused by extreme weather conditions.


Marigolds are a popular companion plant in the garden. They are known for their ability to repel harmful insects like nematodes and attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings. Planting marigolds near lavender can provide these same benefits and also add a bright pop of color to your garden.


Yarrow is a hardy flowering herb that can thrive in close proximity to lavender. Yarrow helps promote healthy soil by accumulating nutrients and repelling pests. It also attracts insects that are beneficial to lavender, like hoverflies and beetles.

When planting lavender companion plants, it is important to consider their spacing and growing habits. Make sure to plant them close enough to benefit from each other’s presence, but not so close that they compete for resources. Grouping lavender and its companions in a garden bed or container also helps create visual interest and makes it easier to care for them.

Final Thoughts

Planting lavender companion plants can be a beneficial way to make the most of your garden. By choosing the right plants to grow alongside lavender, you can promote healthy growth, deter pests, and create a stunning floral display. Whether you are planting a garden for the first time or you are an experienced gardener, consider the above-mentioned lavender companions for a beautiful and thriving garden.

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