Proper dreadlock care and maintenance are incredibly important for keeping dreadlocks healthy, odor-free, and moisturized. While some sources suggest that washing dreadlocks is unnecessary, this is a common myth. Washing dreadlocks regularly keeps them clean and prevents dandruff and excess dirt from building up. Without washing, dreadlocks can become dirty and may even result in an itchy scalp.
Keeping Dreadlocks Healthy
The best method for keeping your dreadlocks moisturized is to alternate between using a carrier oil and water. Carrier oil does not add moisture as water does. Using oil on your dreads will only weigh them down and attract lint. In order to keep them moisturized, it is best to spritz water and essential oils on your dreadlocks. Ideally, you should apply small carrier oil to the scalp while your locks are still damp. Then, gently massage the oil into the scalp and leave it to absorb.
Another effective way for dreadlocks to stay healthy is to use dreadlock conditioners. You can use these products twice a month to condition your dreadlocks and keep them moisturized. Deep conditioning your locks is recommended every two weeks, although you can increase this usage as needed. It would help if you also changed your hairstyle every two weeks to prevent excessive stretching. Excessive stretching of the locks in one direction will cause bald spots.
Keeping them Moisturized
Keeping your dreadlocks moisturized is extremely important to their health. Without adequate moisture, your dreads will break easily and become brittle. Just like plants that are not watered for a few days will begin to wither, so will your dreadlocks if they are not moisturized regularly. Keeping your locks moisturized should be part of your weekly regimen and make all the difference.
A great way to keep your locks moisturized is by using a natural product. Many naturals swear by coconut oil or shea butter. Coconut oil is solid to behave the same way on your dreads. However, these products will strip the natural oils from your dreadlocks and leave them dry and dull. Using a shampoo specifically for locks will prevent this problem.
Keeping them Odor-free
If you have dreadlocks that smell, you can do a few things to keep them odor-free. One way to prevent dreadlock care and maintenance is to use a vinegar solution. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water. You can use a spray bottle or an applicator bottle. You can also use a jar for sitting your dreads in. Before washing them, you should leave the vinegar solution on your dreadlocks for at least 10 minutes.