Conflict resolution would become a lot simpler and easier if people could be calm and composed when facing a conflict. Does it not seem contradictory since the essence of any conflict is the emotional upheaval associated with it?
Conflicts lead to all kinds of emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, despair, etc. Sometimes, conflicts occur due to such emotions while, in other cases, such emotions are the consequences of conflicts. So, how can information about Kraybill conflict style help you approach conflicts in a more rational manner?
Mankind often fears what it does not understand. Conflicts may seem impossible to control if you don’t know its underlying mechanics. Being in a house on fire may seem like a terrifying experience if you are completely unprotected. However, the fire won’t seem like a big deal if you have fire-proof clothing and a fire extinguisher in hand.
Knowledge about conflict styles will be akin to having an extinguisher in hand with the conflict being equivalent to the fire. Should you oppose the person with whom you are having the conflict? Or, should you simply back away from the issue and avoid it altogether? Or, how about approaching an impartial third party to arbiter upon your dispute?
When you are aware of the various options related to conflict resolution at your disposal, your mind will, instead of getting emotional, simply focus on the solution. Of course, there can be a huge slip between the cup and the lip as it were when it comes to conflict resolution.
Merely knowing about styles of resolution won’t be enough. You will have to practice it. You will have to carry out trial runs and develop the habit of relying on the resolution styles when conflicts actually occur.
Just as we have fire drills to prepare ourselves for the remote possibility of a fire accident at home or work, you need to practice the different styles of resolving conflicts. Some fires need to be tackled by attacking it with the extinguisher. A short circuit should not be tackled with water. A major fire is best left to experts, which means you should simply get out of the area as quickly as possible.
All these analogies apply to conflict resolution. Get this right and you will find life becoming a lot easier. Instead of fearing conflicts, you will proceed confidently because you have what it takes to tackle the issue. You will know that you can manage any dispute or conflict without getting too worked up about it or. Knowledge is power and this is certainly true as far as interpersonal disputes and conflicts are concerned.